The Barren River District Health Department will be following The Association of State and Territorial Health Officials (ASTHO), Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists (CSTE), National Association of County and City Health Officials (NACCHO), Big Cities Health Coalition (BCHC), and Association of Public Health Laboratories (APHL) recommendations and transitioning away from universal case investigation at this point in the COVID-19 pandemic.
I was exposed to COVID-19:
Have you been exposed to or tested positive for COVID-19? Updated 07/27/2022
Have you been exposed to or tested positive for COVID-19? - Spanish Updated 07/28/2022
Exposed to COVID-19 One Pager Updated 07/28/2022
Exposed to COVID-19 - Spanish Updated 07/28/2022
Vaccine Guidelines:
Kentucky COVID-19 Vaccine Extravaganza Event- Dates and Locations
AAP | Ask a Pediatrician - COVID-19 Vaccine Under 5
Pediatric - Adult COVID-19 Vaccine Comparison Updated 6/28/22
Pediatric - Adult COVID-19 Vaccine Comparison Immunocompromised Updated 6/28/22
COVID-19 Vaccination Schedules | CDC
COVID-19 Vaccine Event Playbook for Community Partners
Vaccinated Outside The US Decision Tree Current 5/23/22
Benefits of Getting a COVID-19 Vaccine Current 5/23/22
FAQ 3rd Dose of mRNA Vaccines Current 5/23/22
Pregnancy and COVID-19 Vaccines Current 5/23/22
COVID-19 Vaccinations and Pregnancy Current 5/23/22
Declination of Mandatory Epidemic Related Vaccine Current 5/23/22
COVID-19 Vaccines for Moderately to Severely Immunocompromised People | CDC
School/Early Childcare Guidance:
Operation Expanded Testing | CDC
COVID-19 School Testing Toolkit | CDC
Guidance for K-12 School Operations for In-Person Learning Updated 08/01/2022
Schools, Child Care and Colleges | COVID-19 | CDC
Kentucky Department of Education (KDE) COVID-19 Updates
Kentucky High School Athletic Association (KHSAA)
Parents and Caregivers - What Is Your School Doing to Protect Your Child from COVID-19? | CDC
Long-term Care Guidance:
Healthcare Provider Guidance:
Up-To-Date Chart Updated 02/14/2022
Up-To-Date One-Pager Updated 02/14/2022
Revised Reporting Reg. 902 KAR 2:020 Updated 01/13/2022
Healthcare Directive Updated 8/18/2021
Blanket Test Order Updated 7/8/2021
Lab Services Form To be completed by labs offering COVID-19 services.
CDC | Strategies to Mitigate Healthcare Personnel Staffing Shortages
CDC | Interim Guidance for Antigen Testing for SARS-CoV-2
CDC | Return to Work Criteria for Healthcare Personnel with SARS-CoV-2 Infection (Interim Guidance)